No, they are not non-violent.
JW husbands beat their wives all the time and JW parents beat their kids all the time. Sometimes those receiving the beatings die, but there is always the resurrection.
okay, i keep reading something and though jw's do not get involved in national wars, my experience has always been they are very violent people.
every convention i have ever been to was filled with children being beat within an inch of their lives for just not being able to take a third day of mind-droning silence without being able to move or now even sleep.
i have seen whole congregations laugh at stories of children being beaten and calling out to "jehovah".
No, they are not non-violent.
JW husbands beat their wives all the time and JW parents beat their kids all the time. Sometimes those receiving the beatings die, but there is always the resurrection.
wt acknowledges their lack of neutrality during ww1, and previously stated that this was followed by a period of refining.
however, they were still the one group that far-and-away were the only ones that were practicing first-century christianity the most closely, as well as being the only group trying to do so.. interesting read about the hutterites ( ).
, especially this quote about ww1:.
Phizzy confessed, "First of all, sorry to ScenicViewer, i clicked "dislike" instead of "Like", apologies..."
Be at ease, O phizzious One, for you can UNDO the "dislike" by simply clicking "dislike" again. It is a very clever "digital toggle" that only allows a user to register ONE opinion rather than letting one user (me, for example) to overwhelm a user with HUNDREDS of dislikes. Our host, Simon Green is greatly to be praised for his insight into discussin-board psychology!
wt acknowledges their lack of neutrality during ww1, and previously stated that this was followed by a period of refining.
however, they were still the one group that far-and-away were the only ones that were practicing first-century christianity the most closely, as well as being the only group trying to do so.. interesting read about the hutterites ( ).
, especially this quote about ww1:.
Thank you ScenicViewer. In time you will come to hate me like everyone else here. Until then, let's laugh and have fun.
wt acknowledges their lack of neutrality during ww1, and previously stated that this was followed by a period of refining.
however, they were still the one group that far-and-away were the only ones that were practicing first-century christianity the most closely, as well as being the only group trying to do so.. interesting read about the hutterites ( ).
, especially this quote about ww1:.
I guess the REAL question is, "Who are more peaceful, the Anabaptists or Muslims?"
Anyone who doesn't answer correctly will be tossed off a muezzin's minaret.
lol ...if you are new here, you might not understand the question..
I'm curious about what happened to the red dot.
I'm thinking you were browsing your PROFILE page and thought "I wonder what happens if I press the "REFRESH GRAVITAR" button.
Now you know!
Adios, Red dot!
hey all, haven't been around for a couple of years.
anything interesting i should get caught up on?.
The understanding of the "Kings" from Daniel has been updated!
"The King of the North" is someone from the North, and "the King of the South" is someone from the South.
You may want to write this down on a card and carry it with you, because it has great bearing on your day-to-day life!
hey all, haven't been around for a couple of years.
anything interesting i should get caught up on?.
wt acknowledges their lack of neutrality during ww1, and previously stated that this was followed by a period of refining.
however, they were still the one group that far-and-away were the only ones that were practicing first-century christianity the most closely, as well as being the only group trying to do so.. interesting read about the hutterites ( ).
, especially this quote about ww1:.
Q.: Why Were the Anabaptists Not Chosen by Jesus in 1919?
A.: Because they were not on the writing committee at the WTB&TS!
basically when you think of it that is how the corporation operates as a mind control cult feeding gullible people propaganda.. oh and this corporation's "jehovah" is a god of love malarkey,, when he finally kills you because you didn't listen, obey and thus forfeited your chance at a blessing corporation style which amounts to 2 shits and a turd.. this jehovah guy truly is a corporation's mirage.
he has the personality of a spoiled male adolesance when he don't get his way and is always ready to pass the blame on to others when it comes to acts own acts of violence..
Is a Narcasist someone who helps a junkie get loaded?
i was wondering what the view jehovah witnesses and the bible and tract society had on medical cannabis?
i remember as a kid reading in the reasoning book that marijuana was bad and smoking it caused cancer and was worse then cigarettes.
as more reach comes out we are leaning marijuana can cure certain forms of cancer!
How much BLOOD does your weed have in it? Was it fertilized with BLOOD?
If the answers to these questions are "NONE" and "NO" _AND_ it is a prescribed "medication," _AND_ it is not being smoked, then I *think* the WTB&TS would have nothing to say.
The Watchtower is anti-smoking and anti-recreational substances that are not prescribed, regardless of the "naturalness" of the substance.
The WTB&TS has no problem with homeopathy, by the way, because it is based on a dilute extract of baloney and bullshit.